播種期 : 4~7月
採收: 播種至開始採收約55天採收
紅色秋葵,莖紅色。第4~6節起開始開花。果重約14公克, 果長約10
公分,果實5角型,果紅色,型色優美,品質細嫩,嫩果適宜 作沙拉食
Seedling period: April to July
Suitable temperature for germination: 20~30℃
Suitable temperature for growth: 20~30℃
Harvesting: about 55 days from sowing to harvesting
Red okra with red stems. From the 4th to the 6th, it begins to bloom.
The weight of the fruit is about 14 grams, the length of the fruit is
about 10 centimeters, the fruit is 5-pointed, the fruit is red, the
shape is beautiful, the quality is delicate, the tender fruit is
suitable for salad, and the mature fruit can be used as a flower
arrangement material.
1 gram / packet (approx. 16 seeds)
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